
Dental Nursing

Dental Nursing journal is a 12-monthly journal designed to inspire, educate and celebrate the role of the dental nurse in practice. Written for dental nurses, often by dental nurses and those professionals who support them, the journal aims to keep them up to date with the latest news, clinical thinking, training and career opportunities. Covering the core subjects of medical emergencies, disinfection and decontamination and radiography and radiation protection, the journal also provides a forum for discussion on other professional issues affecting dental nurses such as legal and ethical issues, complaints handling, oral health education and safeguarding. The journal offers CPD hours in the form of one peer-reviewed article every month.

Key contacts


Susan Joyce

01483 304944

Mon-Fri 9.00am to 5.00pm GMT

Managing Director

Stuart Thompson

020 7738 5454

Mon-Fri 9am to 5.00pm GMT